tav·ern /ˈtavərn/ noun (archaic·north american) - an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food.
With its roots deep in the history of hospitality, many of us are familiar with what a “tavern” once was. Yet the client who emerged as a veteran owner and purveyor of good times on the bar scene of the five boroughs challenged the project and its team to explore what a contemporary evolution of a traditional tavern might be. With a site of multiple spaces and multiple uses, the sculpting of spaces revolved around the warmth associated with a lineage of comfortable lodging. Surrounded by tactile materials rich with character, patrons could ease through the doors to insert themselves into a rotating group of local comrades or find an corner, nook or cranny for a refreshing libation and tamer conversation.
Passage into the main entrance quickly yields a central bar that helps to part incoming guests to either side, each with unique spatial offerings while the ceiling of honed wood and custom metal descends to anchor the bar in place to the ground. Disappearing through the tunneled circulation to the rear reveals a second destination where one can find coffee served during the day at a corner-mounted bar or cocktails by night. Together the two sides work as a pair of offerings, different vintages of the same overall experience.